You know how sometimes there are people who just radiate energy? The ones who are like, really *alive*? Don’t you want to know how to get more of that into your life? I know I do.
How can we live more fully? I honestly think it comes from creativity. If you don’t think you are a creative person- hear me out (you are).
In some way or another we are all creating our lives, moment by moment. We are born creators. We create things and then we leave those creations behind. Some of us will get more moments than others but we all have a time limit.
I’ve been depressed. I’ve been anxious. I cannot take joy for granted and to make as much of it as I can while I’m capable.
But more than immortality- creativity serves my living energy- it brings me joy. I’ve been depressed, I’ve been anxious, I cannot take joy for granted. When I'm capable I want to make as much as possible.
So what’s stopping you? I would guess fear. It stopped me too- for almost ten years.
Fear, the bastard. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of failure. Fear, fear, fear. I don’t think fear ever goes away for anyone. Maybe we should just accept that fear is here to stay and instead learn to manage it.
I was afraid to move to Australia. Afraid of being a mother. Afraid of calling myself an artist. I freaked out about doing all those things but I did them anyway.
Fear motivates me to be brave. It forces me to be outgoing when I want to be shy. It makes me know that something is worth doing. Thank you, fear (ya bastard).
Why am I banging on about fear when I'm trying to talk you into creating?
Well, it’s because fear is creativity’s captor. Creating something from the heart makes us vulnerable so fear slams down the handcuffs then we sit quietly in jail rather than take the risk of getting rejected.
To bring it back around now- know the secret of those shiny alive people? They embrace their fear. At least that’s my theory. Everything I’ve done in the last three years with my blog, my art, my business has been absolutely terrifying but oh so worth it (and not financially just fullfillingly).
And speaking of finances, it's awesome when someone is willing to pay you for your creations but I cannot stress enough how important it is to create for the sake of it without worrying about the end result- otherwise you are in danger of muddling the process by trying to please your audience.
So what's my one tip for finding your creativity and making your life more electric? Come closer, *whispers* go follow your curiosity. Wish I could have given that advice to my younger self.
I listened to this podcast yesterday and they nailed something that has often haunted me. The idea of following your passion. Well what if you’re like me and you have a little bit of passion for a lot of things?
I remember that pressure growing up- follow your passion! Find your thing! Give it everything! But what if you feel like a teenage boy with ADD at an arcade? Yup.
Instead can I please call on you to simply *follow* your curiosity and see where it leads. I'm pretty sure curiosity is the opposite of depression (EG stated this on the podcast and I agree with her). Follow your curiosity from one thing to the next down twisty roads, in and out of failure and leave a wake of creations. I promise- you will never feel more alive.
Are you too busy?
Sometimes carving out time for creativity feel so selfish. And this is why:
“Any act of pure creativity is the more irrational thing you can do with your time.” Elizabeth Gilbert
This is true. Creativity is not rational. But it is necessary.
Newsflash: no one ever has enough time. I make time for creativity like I make time to exercise. I may not always feel like it but I’m glad I did. And another headline for you: That day you're waiting for, you know the one when you will have more time? It will never arrive.
I don’t know where this saying came from originally (I suspect from The Artist's Way) but it resonated with me when I heard it from Pip Lincolne the teacher of my first (and subsequent) online blogging courses. I followed my curiosity to that course (with a nudge from a friend) which lead me to follow my curiosity about writing, photography, design, arts and crafts, home decor, DIY- all of it. I have not mastered a single one but I’m having a crap-load-of-fun fun learning.
Teach yourself. Ask for help. Make stuff. Don’t keep your creativity to yourself.
Teach yourself. Ask for help. Make stuff. Don’t keep your creativity to yourself. Share it with your community because you never know where it will lead.
Because after all, that is real life. Irrational, alive, life.
Kangaroo Spotting is an artistic identity creator.
Visual Art & Copywriting Services
Based in Melbourne, VIC Australia, serving clients internationally.
This is by far and away one of the BEST things I have read in a very long time. I'm in bed with the black dog, it's horrible, its fearful. I needed to read this. I am that person with multiple creativity disorder ha ha. Only it's not a disorder at all, is it. It's thrilling, and curious, and awareness of the world around us and PERFECTLY OKAY! This. So much this.
Thank you kindred spirit! I hope you feel better soon. Xoxo
Hope you find your light again soon, Sarah. xxx
Yes, yes, yes - follow your curiosity!! I'm just like you: passion for so many things and, he'll yeah, passion for whatever I'm doing at the time (no matter what it is). Passion ain't my problem, focus is!! But there is so much joy in exploring and that's all I need. x
I love that! The joy in exploring. Focus is always an issue for me to- I am so easily distracted. Too many interests!
This person: You know how sometimes there are people who just radiate energy? The ones who are like, really *alive*? That's you Dawn! That's how I see you and why I read your blog.
Unfortunately, I am not afraid and I have plenty of time--I'm just lazy.
Thank you so much for the compliment- sometimes I am and sometimes I am not that person. I think we all get to sparkle occasionally as in- we get to inspire or encourage someone ( I LOVE when I can do that for friends) but don't be too hard on yourself. I read something recently that said sometimes it may look like we are doing nothing but really underneath the surface things are- you might not even realize it! <3