Cute Clothes for Breastfeeding Mums by Lalia & Spot

When you give birth, your body changes. It’s different from your old body and different from your pregnant body which you had nine months to learn.


A public service announcement to all first time preggies out there...don't be scared just be prepared.

{Laila & Spot graciously allowed me to chose an item from their current line to review. Like a kid in a candy store I picked out this dress that I can't wear until after I have another baby (which sounds like an odd statement)....but at least next time around I'll have something functional and adorable.}

Recently I got to know L&S and hung around one of their photo-shoots, it was an awesome afternoon meeting some really nice people not to mention I had the chance to write about a niche clothing line that I could have used myself 19 months ago!!!
Laila & Spot design clothing for new mothers- read: not maternity wear.

When you give birth, your body completely changes. It’s different from your old body which you knew well, and different from your pregnant body which you had nine months with which to familiarize yourself. Now you’re dealing with out of control hormones, temperature fluctuations, milk production, and sagging to name a few.

New mothers have much different and more specific needs than pregnant women. They need accessibility- to the milk-givers. They need stretch in some places and camouflage in others. They need breath-ability, wipe-ability and dewrinkle-ability.

The kicker is, no one tells you to prepare your wardrobe for these things when you are pregnant with your first baby. Nope, let's just sell you a thousand bump-hugging things that will be useless post partum! Let me tell you, the bump gets a lot less cute without a baby in it.

So here’s this dress. I loved it the first time I saw it on the L&S website. It’s a bit fun, sporty and can be worn in summer alone, or in winter with leggings and a cardigan or long sleeves.
Did I mention it's as comfy as it looks?

And check out the placement of this zip. It’s above boobies so it won’t hug or draw attention to them (trust me they will draw enough attention on their own when they are squirting all over the place.) When you unzip, there is a small privacy shield so that you can easily control how much nip to expose...especially in those early days of breastfeeding when you may be uncomfortable (I remember trying to ‘cover up’ the first few days but eventually I resigned all dignity and fed everywhere.)

The orangy-red neckline draws attention to your face because trust me you don’t want people checking out your bod or judging you on how much babyweight you’ve lost (which they will do anyway.) And the matching trim on the skirt is just enough of a cute detail without being too blocky which could mess with the clean line of the dress.

There are two nice big pockets, big enough to hold tissues, bottles, dummies or whatever else you need. I doubt you’ll use them for your hands because they will always be full with stuff.

The fabric is nice and natural-feeling and comfy enough that I would consider passing out in it and going out in public the same day.

Even at 30 pounds heavier this would still look cute, don'tcha think?

Laila, a Mother of two, came up with the idea for this company when her oldest was only a few months old. Like me, she struggled to find clothes to fit her post-baby body and ended up with buying button-downs that were too big and frumpy.

I asked Laila if she had any advice for pregnant first time Mothers and I could not agree more with what she said:

"Most mums are focussed on the birth and find it difficult to think beyond that. While you are still pregnant, work out what will happen after the arrival of your little one. A lot of people make birth plans – I think making a post birth plan is a great idea. Things like who will do the cooking, what your new routine might be like.

Buy yourself something nice to wear once the baby is born. It will lift you up on tired days having something comfortable, bright and easy to wear."

You can find L&S clothing for new Mummies on their website.

If you are interested in trying things on in person and you live in Australia or New Zealand, shoot them an email with your postcode and they will point you in the direction of a retailer near you.

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2 comments on “Cute Clothes for Breastfeeding Mums by Lalia & Spot”

  1. I know right??? And I forgot to say this one retails for 65 AUD and it's something you could wear all the time. They have so many cute things at L&S, I'm definitely shopping there for number two. I have so many useless maternity clothes that I recently lent them all out to a friend- better than collecting dust!

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Dawn Rieniets is both a visual artist and brand copywriter. She uses her MA in English, journalism and sales background to craft engaging brand identity copy for small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) globally.

Dawn exhibits artwork independently and with groups; Thou Art Mum and Melbourne and Victorian Artists (MAVA). In her online store, you can find original pieces, wall art prints, and other home decor. A few times per year she accepted personalised and sentimental art commissions for clients.

Dawn creates out of her home studio in Wurundjeri country, the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne.
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