How I Lost My Pregnancy Weight

I did not come to get skinny. My goals were to increase strength, get better sleep, build muscle and most of all increase my energy.
9 months post baby, and 13 months post

When I sat down with Alisa I couldn't believe how ripped she was, and how immaculately presented. She was tanned, makeup, hair, and sparkly jewelry. She was quite pretty and feminine, redefining the stereotype of female bodybuilders.

I think she was a bit shocked to hear that I did not come to her to get skinny. My goals were to increase strength, get better sleep, build muscle and most of all increase my energy. I could see her getting excited. “Can you please kick my ass?” I said to her.

She gave me this look like- “you don’t even have to ask.”
I had never worked with a female trainer before so I was curious to see if she would let me off the hook or be even tougher on me to prove a point.
Just deadliftin'
A Cheeky 110lbs (50Kg)




Turns out that Alisa's point of difference is her huge heart. She gives a shit- sometimes more than I do. Her past made her tough as nails yet she remains positive and passionate. And kick my ass, she did. For the first time, I uttered the words “I can’t,” during a PT session (very unusual for a competitive, people pleaser like myself). She knew when to push me and when I was actually working hard. We felt like a team.  

Peace out Muffin Top
She wanted me in the gym three times a week which would mean my family would die of starvation on a sticky floor wearing dirty undies. So I went twice weekly. Sometimes once.  A few weeks, none at all (life, ya know?) 
We set a goal to check in at three months. We took actual scientific measurements of my body and totes awks embarrassing photos that I’m sharing with you all right now.
I didn't change my diet but I did try to eat more consciously. I was determined to use our entire veggie box each week and cut down on refined carbs (for the record, I will never give up carbs- they are delicious). Matt and I gave up our Friday night tradition of pizza and french fries.

The results are positive. I can see and feel the difference, inside and out.  Could I have done better? Maybe. Alisa and I both know the work I did (or at times didn't) do. *

You know what’s really great?  Acceptance.  In my opinion, it’s the first step toward self-love. After all, I have the massive responsibility to relay this message to my daughter. I need to start practicing what I preach, Sisters. Beauty comes in many different body types. Health should be the number one priority always. Do I accept the fact that I'm not a swimsuit model? Yes. Do I accept that my body gave birth to a human? Hell yes. 
The scale did not budge in either direction for me during this journey- but I lost inches. I gained muscle, confidence, energy.  It’s just a bonus that my jeans fit better. 

*Within those three months there was above average partying going on so it was a bit harder to watch what I put in my mouth.  I attended two weddings, a 30thbirthday, two race days, my daughter’s first birthday (heck yeah I was drinking after that Pinterest-pressure stress), and a two-week visit from my Mom. So there was a disproportionate amount of celebrating and imbibing. No excuses, just life!

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2 comments on “How I Lost My Pregnancy Weight”

  1. Thanks Susan! I'm feeling much better these days. I truly believe that our mental and physical bodies have a profound effect on each other. It's like a crazy balancing act. You put energy into one side and realize the other has been neglected...and so on.

let's hang on the 'gram
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Dawn Rieniets is both a visual artist and brand copywriter. She uses her MA in English, journalism and sales background to craft engaging brand identity copy for small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs) globally.

Dawn exhibits artwork independently and with groups; Thou Art Mum and Melbourne and Victorian Artists (MAVA). In her online store, you can find original pieces, wall art prints, and other home decor. A few times per year she accepted personalised and sentimental art commissions for clients.

Dawn creates out of her home studio in Wurundjeri country, the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne.
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